Textile Language
Cas Holmes
24th - 29th January 2025
TheTextile language explores the way artists can express their ideas through the language of stitch and cloth. The work in the exhibition uses of a wide variety of materials and techniques from cloth and paper, to found materials to explore different narratives and individual stories.
All the artists represented live or work in Kent.
The exhibition is accompanied by a growing installation of UMO’s (Unidentified, Meaningful Objects) created by the local Medway community, individuals and online groups. UMO started as a collaboration between artists Liesbeth Werts and Cas Holmes with members of the group ‘What We Value, What We Miss’, who meet up online.
Each small bundle bound with stitch contains the objects and text reflecting the hidden thoughts and meanings of the person who made the piece. The installation was first shown at the Halpern Gallery in January 2024, was represented at the Knitting and Stitching Show and moves on to the Batsford Gallery in London to accompany the exhibition ‘Soulful Stitch’ by artists Cas Holmes and Deena Beverley who have written a book of the same title in which UMO appears.
We are delighted to extend the project and invite you to create your own UMO (Unidentified Meaningful Object) to keep, or to add to this growing collection. Instructions can be found in Liesbeth Werts demonstration video here.
Thank you to The Halpern Gallery and the Nucleus Arts Community for supporting this exhibition.
All Welcome!
Halpern Gallery
272 High Street, Chatham
Kent, ME4 4BP